Pushing or Being Pulled By Our Dreams

Screen shot 2015-05-24 at 6.05.20 PM“If we are too busy pushing, we miss being pulled into something greater”
Anita Moorjani, Near Death Survivor

Now that we are entering an age of conscious creating with the Universe or whatever greater force we believe in,what role does goal setting play?  How does it remain the same as it has always been; S-Specific,  M-Measurable, A-Achievable, R-Realistic, T-Timely?  And, how has it evolved with the awakening of this time?    A goal setter of sorts myself for many years, this is a question that I’m currently living.  It is also a question that I offer to others who are moving towards their own next stages of growth, dream building or specific project completion.

On the one hand, it is important to be awake to what our dreams are and what we would like to create in our lives and businesses and for those we may serve.  And, I find it helpful to draft this into a plan.  On the other hand, I’m experiencing that the more I let go of the lid of what my own mind can imagine, it seems a higher intelligence swoops in and presents a doorway beyond what my mind can conceive.  So, I’m beginning to think this is a dance.  A dance of sorts between visioning, imagining, planning and setting dates to these plans and letting go.  Letting go, surrendering, allowing, praying for a higher Divine order to create something even greater for us and through us, and to keep moving in the moment to moment direction that is pulling us forward by how it feels in our heart to take action towards it.

From living this question to date, I am finding that the more I move from pushing things forward to trusting that as I make the best of whatever my current moment is presenting, and pay attentive attention to the hints that sprinkle themselves into my day, I find myself being pulled, enticed, guided into a mysterious radiant direction of possibilities that FEEL good when I allow myself to surrender into them.

And, even though my mind still sneaks in and sometimes shouts out at me to create order and structure and some semblance of known to this unknown that is unfolding, when I listen too closely to this voice, my progress seems to halt.  When I find a way to surrender back into trust that like a meadow that simply is, so too am I supported to be who I am and who I am becoming, that in my peaceful, hopeful state of being the hints and kisses of possibilities return.  Some of these kisses become concrete expressions in the now through paid client contracts, new friendships, healing of relationships, speaking opportunities, collaborative explorations and other projects aligned with the direction of my unfolding dreams.  Some remain a mystery unfolding that offers me continued practice to live this question in a troubled or peaceful way.

Do I write down my goals and action steps towards them? Yes.  Do I imagine a vision for the next stage of my becoming that I am drawn towards? Yes.  And, am I also practicing surrender as much as I can to be out of my own way to trust in a Higher Operating Principle opening doorways on my behalf accordingly to the truest version of what I’m holding in my heart and taking action towards?  And, that this happens in ways and timing that tend to look very different than the form and timeline I have written down on paper?  Yes.  And, do I need consistent self-care and spiritual care practices in order to do so?  Yes.

On the flipside, do I have all the answers? No.  But, I am finding that holding and practicing this question of whether I am “pushing or being pulled by my dreams”  forward is leading me to greater peace, possibility & good fortune (defined in physical, mental, emotional, spiritual terms).  And, if you aren’t already doing so, I offer this question for you to live.

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