Love and Business

Love and Business

Yes, it is Valentine’s Day and many people are writing about love or incorporating love into their communications somehow, and I too feel inspired to focus on love.  My own exploration of love is less about romance however and more about it’s useful role in business.

As a business owner with spiritual lens through which I live my life and operate my business, I have experienced a direct correlation between love and “business momentum.”

As I’ve deepened my love for

1)    myself and become more courageous to express who I authentically am in my life and business, I am finding that “the world (and their pocketbooks) are rising up to love me in return.”  I am also finding that I am more confident in picking up the phone to make that call to follow an inner or outer sign towards those possibilities that “feel” really resonant for me.  I’m also finding that the closer they are in tune with this “true me” that I’m loving and expressing versus concealing in fear, hesitation or otherwise, that they are leading me to “right people,” right place,” “ right time” and “just right amount of money” to have “exactly” what I need.

2)    my friends, both “sisters” and “brothers” from a different mother, those with shared history and new ones that are deeply resonant in ways without words, I am finding a new level of affirmation and support for who I am, what I am becoming and how I am expressing this is in my life and business.  This in turn is deepening my knowing and faith to trust the new business directions in which I am headed, which in turn helps me stay tuned in moment by moment to whatever Divine force is unfolding it’s own Divine business plan through me and supplying me with what I need along the way.  It also helps me accept myself and “recalculate” my way back in those moments when I stray from this knowing.

3)    my family (of origin and those that came before me) and passed through the gates of acceptance, understanding and forgiveness, I have built an unexpected inner fortress that further anchors my ability to trust “who I am,”  and be okay with whether I am “seen” or understood, because I see and accept myself, and I know that I am loved and love in return.  This is yielding positive results in my business with unexpected doorways of opportunities that are so right for me that without this level of trust in myself, I may not have the belief that it is possible.  But, now that I do, I am awed by how “perfect” some of my new client and creative projects are for me, and…that they are paying me money.

4)    my clients, and weave my love into practical expressions of deep listening, seeing, and getting their “authentic self” and what they are offering to the world  through their gifts of healing, transformation and social goodness,  I am humbled by the opportunity to grow the circle of love in the world through my camera to help those called as healers and “good doers ” attract those “right fit” “right” “right time” “right people” to facilitate their growth towards loving, healing and expressing their authentic selves, also further growing everyone’s alignment with the flow of the Divine magic to and through them further into world.

5)    my “Maker and my desire to offer my “makings’ through my business to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing of the greater good, I am finding soft hints and two by fours of affirmation to continue forward from this place.

And, as the circle of positive love momentum continues to grow in my life and business, including a visual exploration  later this month of “Love Angels” an initiative founded by Lisa Venable where she and other volunteers “spread love and comfort” to those who are suffering, dying or elderly, I wish you a Happy Valentines Day and Happy Love Days every day.



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